203. Jīvitasaṁkhāra, Āyusaṁkhāra, and Bhavasaṁkhāra?

“දසබලයන්වහන්සේ නමැති ශෛලමය පර්වතයෙන් පැන නැඟී, අමා මහ නිවන නම් වූ මහා සාගරය අවසන් කොට ඇති, ආර්ය අෂ්ටාංගික මාර්ගය නම් වූ සිහිල් දිය දහරින් හෙබි, උතුම් ශ්‍රීමුඛ බුද්ධවචන ගංගාවෝ, ලෝ සතුන්ගේ සසර දුක් නිවාලමින්, බොහෝ කල් ගලා බස්නා සේක්වා!”
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤

||| Inspired and Donated by (Ven.) Bhante Randombe Suneetha | Sinhala / සිංහල.

Q. Having explained the terms “Jīvita Saṁkhāra”, “Āyu Saṁkhāra”, and “Bhava Saṁkhāra” which derived from Mahā-parinibbāna Sutta (The Discourse of the Last Days of the Buddha the Greatest); also point out the relationship of Name and Form (Mentality and Corporeality / Nāma-Rūpa) to them.
(I transfer merit(s) to all of you!)

A. In short:

Jīvita Saṁkhāra = Life / Absorbed in Fruition Attainment (Phala-samāpatti) which helps keep life going.
Āyu Saṁkhāra = Lifespan (The length of life of a being in one Existence).
Bhava Saṁkhāra = Actions which cause to process of Existence.

A. In detail:

{N.B. : According to the Sutta commentary and several other commentaries, explanations of the terms are below. And, when it comes to analysis of the relationship .… Buddhist Metaphysics (Abhidhamma) will do the rest for you.}

# Here, the Life is also called “Jīvitasaṁkhāra”, so is Fruition Attainment (Phala-samāpatti) / Absorption in Fruit-consciousness - When one is in a Phala Samāpatti, that Phala Citta {One of Four Resultant Supra Mundane Consciousness(es) / Lokuttara Vipāka Citta / Lokuttara Phala Citta} runs continuously.

"jīvitasaṅkhāranti ettha jīvitampi jīvitasaṅkhāro. yena jīvitaṃ saṅkhariyati chijjamānaṃ ghaṭetvā ṭhapiyati, so phalasamāpattidhammopi jīvitasaṅkhāro."

# The term “Jīvitasaṁkhāra”(Life) is trisected – 1. Life. 2. Heat. 3. Consciousness. 1. Life means both Psychic Life (Arūpajīvitindriyañ / Nàma-Jīvitindriyañ) and Physical Life (Rūpajīvitindriyaṁ / Rūpa-Jīvitindriyañ). 2. Heat menas the Fire-element (Usma = Tejodhàtu) 3. Consciousness means Rre-linking Consciousness (Rrebirth-consciousness / Patisandhi Citta).

Jīvita = life; + Indriya = controlling faculty or principle."

Psychic Life = Arūpajīvitindriyañ / Nàma-Jīvitindriyañ / One of the 52 Mental States (Cetasikas) which is included in Universals - Sabbacittasādhāraṇā.

Physical Life  = Rūpajīvitindriyaṃ / One of the 28 Rūpas / One of the 28 Material Qualities.

"tayo jīvitasaṅkhārāti āyu ca usmā ca viññāṇañca. āyūti rūpajīvitindriyaṃ arūpajīvitindriyañca. usmāti tejodhātu. viññāṇanti paṭisandhiviññāṇaṃ."

# The term Āyusaṁkhārā means Lifespan (The Length of life of a being in one Existence).

"āyusaṅkhārāti āyumeva."

(According to the Ṭīkā = "... tattha tattha bhave pavattaṃ āyuṃ." - https://tipitaka.app/?a=la5-228-ro)

# Physical Life (= one of the 28 rūpas / one of the 28 material qualities / Rūpajīvitindriyaṃ
) is called Āyusaṁkhāraṁ and its speed of cessation (= arising - uppāda, being - ṭhiti, and ceasing - bhaṅga) is almost unbelievable. And also, the speed of cessation of Consciousness (Citta) and Mental States (Cetasikas) (= Formless Energies) is beyond explanation (beyond expression / ineffable).

"āyusaṅkhārāti rūpajīvitindriyaṃ sandhāya vuttaṃ. Tañhi tato sīghataraṃ khīyati. Arūpadhammānaṃ pana bhedo na sakkā paññāpetuṃ."

# The term Bhavasaṁkhārā means Actions {Kamma-process (kamma-bhava)} 
which process another Existence {Kamma-produced rebirth (uppattibhava)}.

"bhavasaṅkhāranti punabbhavasaṅkhāraṇakaṃ."

# The term Bhavasaṁkhārā means Actions which cause to another Existence.

"bhavasaṅkhāranti bhavagāmikammaṃ."

# The term Bhavasaṁkhārā means Actions which process / cause to Rebirth (birth in a new Existence).

"bhavasaṅkhāranti punabbhavassa saṅkhāraṃ."

# The term Bhavasaṁkhārā means Actions which prepare the state of Existence.

"bhavasaṅkhāroti bhavasaṅkharaṇakammaṃ."

||| Brief and Essential Translation of This.
||| An ingreesi.com Translation and Technical Terms provider/by AnglomaniA IngreesI

"දසබලසේලප්පභවා නිබ්බානමහාසමුද්දපරියන්තා, අට්ඨංග මග්ගසලිලා ජිනවචනනදී චිරං වහතූ!"

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